Six Characters in Search of a Wake
Scene V
Buckley and the Russian General

The Panel Play
Panel & Characters
The Claybill
The Text - introduction
  Scene I
  Scene II
  Scene III
  Scene IV
  Scene V
  Scene VI

[lights are out, strobe light flashes intermittently as Charge of the Light Brigade is recited with
great feeling]

Russian General
Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the Valley of Death
Rode the six hundred. [Tennyson]

[lights on]

Order, order, order! Milster Malster in the chair. We've heard it sinse sung
thousandtimes. How Burghley shuck the rackushant Germanon. For Ehren, boys, gobrawl! [338.1-3]

Joyce's father told and retold the story of Buckley, the Irish conscript in the
Crimean War . . .

[dramatically] Along about the first equinarx in the cholonder, the most moonful
date man aver held dinsdzey death with, when we sight the beasts . . . . . [347.2-8]

: . . .Buckley peered through his gunsights, spied a Russian General, and was fast
marking his lord for cremation . . .[350.14-15]

[dramatically] through the iconoscope steadily a still figure of a fellow chap in the
wohly ghast, the jesuneral of the russuates, exhibiting the seals of his orders: [349.19-21]

Russian General
[pompously] The starre of the Son of Heaven, the girtel of Izodella the Calottica,
the cross of Michelides Apaleogos, the latchet of Jan of Nepomuk, the puffpuff and pompom of Powther and Pall, the great band and bucklings of Martyrology of Gorman. [349.22-25]

[with awe] But Buckley could not bring himself to shoot his Cumbulent
Embulence, the frustrate fourstar Russkakruscam. [352.32-33] [with resolve] But then, unlist he was getting foegutfulls of the rugiments of savalige wildfire [350.35-36], remembering his duty, he raised his rifle again and saw through his gunsights . . .

[with dismay] And Oho bullyclaver of ye, bragodore-gunneral, [352.23] trousers
dropped, squatting down, a Hump to Dump! [352.15]

A ballet of Gasty Power. [346.21]

[sadly] I confesses withould pridejealice when I looked upon the Saur of all the
Haurousians with the weight of his arge fullin upon him form the travaillings of his tommuck, there was fear on me for him, it was heavy he was for me, I adn't the arts to. [344.32-345.3]

[incredulous] Grot Zot! You hidn't the hurts? [345.8] And the name of the Most
Marsiful, the Aweghost, the Gragious One! Notshoot? [353.2-5]

[sadly] My bill it forsooks allegiance (gut bull it!) and, no lie is this, I was
wavering.[344.27-28] But then he deared me to it and he dared me do it, and bedattle I didaredonit as Cocksnark of Killtork can tell! [slowly, explaining] For when meseemim beheaving up that sod of turf for to clean himself, for to wipe himself off - [vehemently] Deo Jupto! At that instullt to Ireland! I gave one dobblenotch and I ups with my crozzier. [353.10-20] [lights off, strobe light flashing] Dtin, dtin, dtin, dtin! [350.9]

[triumphantly] The abnihilisation of the etym! [353.22]

[back to lights]

There will be a hen collection of him after avensung on the field of
Hanar. [350.8]

[lights off]

mstrumtruminahumptadumpwaultopoofoolooderamaunsturnup! [314.8-9] [accompanied by the sound of
thunder as before, fading to the sound of the song Finnegan's Wake and party; lights on.]

[end of Scene V]

<<<<<<<<<to Scene IV---------to Scene VI>>>>>>>>>

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