Remembering Joel

Nicholas Fargnoli

Joel was one of the early members of the Finnegans Wake reading group. He was respectful, never boastful of his accomplishments, and appreciative of the insights others had to offer. I am saddened by his death; he will always be remembered.
David Rose
I will remember Joel always for his many kindnesses to me. We entered the Wake group together, more or less, and quickly became fastwakefriends. At the Gotham, the seat next to Joel was always the one I liked best. We nudged each other, swapped smartaleck remarks, fooled around, and expostulated on everything and nothing. I felt befriended, truly. We sailed together on a crazy ship and cast our lines out far, fishing for words and reeling them in, casting them back into the waters. I was Mutt to his Jute. Or was it the other way around? Or both? What spirit and mirth we shared! From Symphony Space to the Staten Island ferry, and always finally docking at the Gotham, we declaimed and quibbled and sang and laughed and talked. Rare times, and a very rare spirit. Joel Greenberg, my friend, with the perpetually jolly laughter and head full of Joyce and the OED. The gift of your kindness and friendship will never be forgotten.
Stephen Grillo
Oh, what bad news. indeed. Such a loss. Joel was really special. Having Joel leave us so suddenly deepens my unhappiness about not being able to attend meetings this past year.
Patricia Berger
I don't remember the exact year, but on New Year's Eve I had gone to Paula Cooper's gallery to hear the reading of FW. I noticed a man sitting on the floor laughing and laughing.  I went home, but returned in the morning with-as I recall a blue card announcing the next meeting of the FW reading group -- I gave the blue card to the man. He came to the next meeting. Whenever we walked  from the Gotham to our destinations --he to the subway -- me to W. 48th St., he always thanked me for telling him about the FW reading group. What words could ever thank him? For the myths, for the opera  (especially Wagner), for the explanation of 1132, for the recitations of the thunder words, for the rum cakes, for laughing at jokes- good and bad (there were many of the latter.) And the OED -- never forget the OED -- and never forget Joel.

Charles Caruso

He was a tower of strength and literacy, we'll all miss his 100-letter words. I wondered why there was an empty seat next to Marghretta. So sorry.

Marghretta McBean

I had just finished the last of the rum cake he had given me. When he didn't show at our meeting, I thought he had an opera to attend. He was one of the kindest persons I have ever met.

Lawrence Loeb

Like the rest, I am shocked and deeply saddened. I missed Joel on Wednesday, will continue to miss him, his wit, in all that means, and his being.

Christina Starobin

Joel was one of three who came along with me to spread the word of Joyce to the natives of NJ.  When I taught a course in James Joyce at Ramapoo a choice band accompanied me there (Joel, David & Michael).  We explained how we read Joyce, & did a section of the Wake.  Months later, the kids remembered not how tough it had been but that adults would do something like this "without pay".  I will always recall Joel's dismay at the current computer literacy which he felt helped to pave the way for fascism.  He was a good man down to the ground.  I'm glad he had a chance to visit us up here.  We had hoped he would visit again.  In sympathy, Christina

Kevin Gilroy

JUST DEVASTATING! A great, gentle giant of a man. Life seems so unfair.

Remembering Joel Greenberg
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