A Finnegans Wake Gaarden

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 accacians 160.12.  shittim wood 301.24 - "He was quisquis, floored on his plankkraft of shittim wood" (301.23-24). [Probably acacia and possibly the wood used for the Ark and various fittings of the Hebrew Tabernacles].

Accanite 158.3 (akoniton (Gr) = poisonous plant - AWN Vol. x No.1, 1973., p. 1).

acorns 43.11; 505.4.  glans (L) [acorns] 526.23.

Alloe 321.14.

 alderbirk 553.3.  Alder is the 6th letter of the Irish alhabet - fearn.

 almonds 64.36; 183.12; 235.34. olmand 118.05.   almonder's 234.12.  amygdaloid 183.12 (amygdaloeid�s (Gr) = almond tree).  jordan almonders 497.31 - Benstock:  "The buying up of foodstuffs from the exotic lands beyond soon becomes the simple expedient of purchasing the corrupt rulers of those lands or conquering those not easily bought" (p.59).

 amaranth 561.21.

 amarellous 180.10.  Amaryllis 609.12.

 amentum 613.18 - McHugh A):  catkin.

 Anemone 597.32.  anemone's 563.17. 

a nemone 274.25.  (anem�m� (G) = anemone, windflower).

 aniseed 475.29.

 apple 113.16; 124.18; 247.35; 330.31; 452.07.  Apple 51.34.  apples 433.35; 436.7; 466.05.  Apples 532.21.  Apples

175.19.  applepine 287.16.  Appletree 176.08.  lapapple 126.17.  anapple 239.4.  earthapple  [Jerusalem artichoke] 271.24.  abbely 28.19 (�ble (D) = apple).   abblokooken 170.16 (G = cooking apple).   AWN (Vol. xii, No. 3, 1975, p.54):  bloa 241.3 = apple.  russets 59.2.  Ellmann: "Eve and Adam eating the 'seedfruit'" 135.31 (p. 558). umple 184.18.  Upfellbowm 505.29 (apfelbaum (G) = apple tree).  applehooly 340.20 (ubhaill� Ga = apple tree).  from alum 393.23-24 (malum (L) = apple).  Usquadmala 184.28 (usque ad mala (L) = until the apples i.e. dessert at meals).  [Note malum, Latin for apple and its negative implications.]  crab[apple] 170.7.  pomme 20.29; 184.28.  Pommes  504.33.  pommettes 207.10.  pumme 230.36 (pomme (F) = apple).   McCarthy:  The 'pumme' is the apple...of knowledge;...[Shem] offered the "bittersweet crab" or crabapple to whoever solved his riddle" (p.95).

 arbatos 512.22.  arbuties 131.20.  arbutus 121.10 - McHugh (A):  In Ireland its berries are called cain-apples.   

arroroots 138.14. 

arums 566.13 [bog plants].  alarums 566.13.  farums 566.14.  chartarums 566.15.  harrums 566.16

ash 28.30; 84.28; 130.25; 160.05; 361.07.  ashhopperminded 41.12.  ashley 213.14.  ashwald 264.27.  askes 4.15 - Begnal and Eckley:  "Ask is Danish or Swedish for ash" (p. 166).  evernasty ashtray 503.7.   "An overlisting eshtree?  — There used sure enough....Oakley Ashe's elm.  With a snoodrift from one beerchen bough" (503.30-33).  bolderdash [stone/tree] 233.17.  besch 20.35.  yesche 506.17.  esch so eschess 588.28  (Esche (G) = ash tree).  phwinshogue 182.34 (fuinnse�g (Ga) = ash tree).  nuinous 140.2.  Ash is the 12th letter of the Irish alphabet - nuin.

aspen 361.7. aspenstalk

131.13. Aspen is the fifth letter of the Irish alphabet - eadad.

 aster 609.30.  Asterr 69.14.  asters 248.7

 auberginiste 163.19 (aubergine (F) = eggplant). 

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