A Finnegans Wake Gaarden

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babilionias 460.23 - Begnal and Eckley:  "Joyce combines the two trees-Tree of Truth and Tree of Life-at the East gate of the Babylonian heaven" (p. 165 n.4).

balm 204.4; 241.16; 366.22; 442.24; 580.10.

balsam 100.13.  balsamboards 262.25.

bananas 447.12.  bannalanna 100.7.  "halve a bannan in two" 145.35.  Havvah-ban-Annah 38.30 - AWN (Vol. xi, No.2, 1974, p.31): coit.  "Yass We've Had His Badannas" 71.11-12 - AWN (Vol. 1,  No.6, 1964, p. 4):   "HCE's guilt through association with ALP (bad Anna)."  "yea, he hath no mananas" 170.20. 

barketree 588.30. 

barley 318.16; 362.20; 494.16. Barley 257.10.  barley's 26.33-34. barleywind 428.13.  bawley 239.32 ("oaths screams and bawley groans") - Eckley: "Oats and Beans and Barley Grow", p.121.  orege 132.29 (orge (F) = barley).  polentay 240.16 (polenta (L) = pearl barley), also corn mush. 

Basil 374.31. 

Bayleaffs 421.12. bayleaves  121.5. 

bean - 279.F24; beans 133.24; 406.16; 411.17; 425.19. beanstale 126.23.   Beastalk 307.F1.  beamstark 615.25.  beingstalk 504.19.  Flageolettes 440.20 (flageolet (F) = dwarf kidney bean) - McHugh (A): French slang for penis.  haricot 227.3 = (F) = bean.

beerchen bough 503.33.  buchan 81.13.  (Buchen (G) = beech tree).

beets 19.08.  Beet 521.19.  betteraved 164.28 (betterave (F) = beet). 

behanshrub 588.31.

Belladama 450.32.

benjamin 38.2 - (McHugh (A): "benjamin tree - American spice bush."

bidetree 503.13.

bigtree 146.34.

bimboowood 239.1.

birch 204.09.  birchenrods 456.16.  birchleaves 275.11.  beerchen 503.33. alderbirk 553.3 (Birke (G) = birch).  Bey 433.16.  Birch is the second letter of the Irish alphabet - beit.

bittermint 440.23.

blackburry 214.32.

blackcurrant 460.33.  blackcullen 141.35.

blackthorn 114.11 [tree]. blackthorns 57.23.  [Shillelaghs are made from the wood of this tree as well as from oak].

bluebells 28.28.  bluerybells 7.2.  blueybells 361.22.  blubles 626.18.

blueberry 566.4.

bracken 130.25.  crunchbracken 5.23-24.

bramblers 366.22.  bramblers 507.13.    Rubeus 160.8 (rubeus (L) of or belonging to the bramble bush).

breadfruit 428.01.

briar 479.4.  briar 341.24.  briars 319.04; 518.17.  briers 74.02.

goodbroomirish 600.33.  wildbroom 56.24.  plantagenets 504.2.  plantagonist 516.24 (planta genenesta (L) = broom plant) -  CL:  "Emblem, thence surname of English dynasty 1154-1399" (p.431).  Broom (a shrub) is the 13th letter of the Irish alphabet - oir.

Bryony O'Bryony 450.32.

bullrusshius 494.19.  bulrush 207.3.

burrs 453.16.

buttercup 321.16.  Buttercup 561.12.    buttercups 145.14.  buttoncups 433.25.

battercops 428.27.  Romunculus 525.33 (ranunculus (L) = buttercup).

butternat 160.04.

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