A Finnegans Wake Gaarden

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95.17; 144.26; 271.F2; 406.18; 520.36. cabbageblad 56.25. cabbageous 409.13 (q.v. curlyflower). cabbages 132.28. cabbaging 30.12. tabbage 555.19. kanekannon 28.19. hailcannon 174.22. Cailcainnin 391.33 (c ceannfhionn (Ga) = white-head cabbage). crambs 304.29 (kramb� (Gr) = cabbage). oloss 410.4 (holus (L) = kitchen vegetables, cabbage). cabbageblad 56.25 (blad (D) = leaf). Brassolis 228.12 (brassica (L) = cabbage). Selina 212.6 (selinas (L) = kind of cabbage). Caulis 553.14 (caulis (L) = cabbage stalk, cabbage) - also means penis. curlicabbis 612.2 - McHugh (A): "Sw G Kabis: cabbage; tits."

calabashes 336.33. calaboosh 240.24. calaboose 52.24. culubosh 51.36. 

camelia 113.17.

canterberry belleyes 310.29.

campanulae 601.18 - McHugh (A): "family Campanulae includes Canterbury bells."

canna 159.18.

capers 233.3; 563.08. kapr 475.35.

carnation 40.9; 557.2. incarnations 600.9. Incarnations 308.19.

carrot 404.24; Carrot 501.9; carrots 190.3; 476,17. carroty 300.8

"Oasis, cedarous esaltarshoming Leafboughnoon!" 470.15. cedarbalm 558.35. scedar 171.11. kcedron 171.11 (kedros (Gr) = cedar, juniper tree). redcedera 160.5. edcedras 235.17 (cedrus (L) = cedar, juniper tree). charlock 587.28. "...and those pest of parkies, twitch, thistle and charlock."

cherries 446.21. cherry 9.13. ripecherry 251.20. Ceresia 128.14 (ceresia (L) = cherry). kirschie 207.12 (Kirsche (G) = cherry). cheerycherrily 31.30.  Ciliegia Grande and Kirshie Real 207.12 - AWN (Vol. xiii, No.2, 1976, p.31): Ciliegia Grande is Italian for big cherry.

chestnuts 341.51. Chestnut 453.16. chastenot 246.36; 247.26. jestnuts 125.20. shestnuts 183.24. marrons 264.27 (marron (F) = chestnut).

Chrysamthemlander 609.32.
chrisan athems 326.15-16. selfreizing flower 265.7 - SE: "In Strindberg's A Dream Play (1902)...the self-rising flower: the giant crysanthemum bursts into bloom atop the Growing Castle at the climax and end of the play" (p. 179).

cinemen 6.18. cinnamondhues 288.F5.

Citronelle 223.6. citrawn 303.6.

czitround 171.8. kcedron 171.11.

climatatis 59.13. Vitalba 600.22 - McHugh (A): "It vitalba: old man's beard; clematis."

cloudberry 430.25 - McHugh (A): "Wild plant for making tarts."

clover 80.3; 139.31; 145.3; 210.26; 376.26; 451.21. fireleaved loverlucky 55.27-28. klees 511.30. "...a budge of klees on her schalter." clee 478.21 (Klee (G) = clover). Blau Clay 71.17 (blau Klee (G) = blue clover.) clayblade 222.29 (kleeblat (G) = clover leaf).

clove 115.5. cloves 175.30; 456.20; 526.27.

Cockspur 124.17.

cocoa 73.5; 128.24; 538.4. Cocoa 467.13. cocomoss 409.12-13. KAKAO 308.15. (kakao (G) = cocoa.) Restuccia: Joyce sent "enormous bags of shell cocoa" to Nora "so that she could get a little fatter on it" referring to her breasts (p. 128). (q.v. Appendix C). Tindall: "Cocoa is theobroma to botanists; and theobroma is Greek for 'god food'" (p.222).

coffee 43.8.

convolvulis 292.19 (convolvulis (L) = bindweed).

Coollimbeina 221.25.

cork 95.11. corks 38.8; 427.2.

corn 34.18; 59.3; 137.30; 380.11. corns 81.2; 223.32; 419.27. iosal 408.6 (�oth (Ga) = corn).

cotton 108.24; 130.26.

cottonwood 277.L2.

cowslips 577.26. cupslips 171.18.

cranberries 504.33.

creeping jenny 39.34.

cress 130.25. watarcrass 491.19. whatarcurss 225.12; 225.13.

Crocus 254.20. crocus 543.36. crocelips (?) 511.31 (crocus (L), krokos (Gr) = saffron).

cropherb 5.23.

cucconut 376.9.

culcumbre 279.F27. Cucumber 536.33. gurk 378.26 (Gurke (G) = cucumber).

curlyflower 409.14 ["his cabbageous brain's curlyflower" 409.13-14].

curry 456.20. curries 595.13.

cyprissis 460.23. coolpressus 470.16 cupressus (L) = cypress).

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