C |
336.33. calaboosh 240.24. calaboose
52.24. culubosh 51.36. canterberry belleyes 310.29. campanulae 601.18 - McHugh (A): "family Campanulae includes Canterbury bells." canna 159.18. capers 233.3; 563.08. kapr 475.35. carnation 40.9; 557.2. incarnations 600.9. Incarnations 308.19. carrot 404.24; Carrot 501.9; carrots 190.3; 476,17. carroty 300.8 "Oasis, cedarous esaltarshoming Leafboughnoon!" 470.15. cedarbalm 558.35. scedar 171.11. kcedron 171.11 (kedros (Gr) = cedar, juniper tree). redcedera 160.5. edcedras 235.17 (cedrus (L) = cedar, juniper tree). charlock 587.28. "...and those pest of parkies, twitch, thistle and charlock." cherries 446.21. cherry 9.13. ripecherry 251.20. Ceresia 128.14 (ceresia (L) = cherry). kirschie 207.12 (Kirsche (G) = cherry). cheerycherrily 31.30. Ciliegia Grande and Kirshie Real 207.12 - AWN (Vol. xiii, No.2, 1976, p.31): Ciliegia Grande is Italian for big cherry. chestnuts
341.51. Chestnut 453.16. chastenot
246.36; 247.26. jestnuts 125.20.
shestnuts 183.24. marrons 264.27
(marron (F) = chestnut). cinemen 6.18. cinnamondhues 288.F5. Citronelle 223.6. citrawn 303.6. czitround 171.8. kcedron 171.11. climatatis 59.13. Vitalba 600.22 - McHugh (A): "It vitalba: old man's beard; clematis." cloudberry 430.25 - McHugh (A): "Wild plant for making tarts." |
clover 80.3; 139.31; 145.3; 210.26; 376.26; 451.21. fireleaved loverlucky 55.27-28. klees 511.30. "...a budge of klees on her schalter." clee 478.21 (Klee (G) = clover). Blau Clay 71.17 (blau Klee (G) = blue clover.) clayblade 222.29 (kleeblat (G) = clover leaf). clove 115.5. cloves 175.30; 456.20; 526.27. Cockspur 124.17. cocoa 73.5; 128.24; 538.4. Cocoa 467.13. cocomoss 409.12-13. KAKAO 308.15. (kakao (G) = cocoa.) Restuccia: Joyce sent "enormous bags of shell cocoa" to Nora "so that she could get a little fatter on it" referring to her breasts (p. 128). (q.v. Appendix C). Tindall: "Cocoa is theobroma to botanists; and theobroma is Greek for 'god food'" (p.222). coffee 43.8. convolvulis 292.19 (convolvulis (L) = bindweed). Coollimbeina 221.25. cork 95.11. corks 38.8; 427.2. corn 34.18; 59.3; 137.30; 380.11. corns 81.2; 223.32; 419.27. iosal 408.6 (�oth (Ga) = corn). cotton
108.24; 130.26. |
cottonwood 277.L2. cowslips 577.26. cupslips 171.18. cranberries 504.33. creeping jenny 39.34. cress
130.25. watarcrass 491.19. whatarcurss
225.12; 225.13. |
Crocus 254.20. crocus 543.36. crocelips (?) 511.31 (crocus (L), krokos (Gr) = saffron). cropherb 5.23. cucconut 376.9. culcumbre 279.F27. Cucumber 536.33. gurk 378.26 (Gurke (G) = cucumber). curlyflower
409.14 ["his cabbageous brain's
curlyflower" 409.13-14]. cyprissis
460.23. coolpressus 470.16 cupressus
(L) = cypress). |