A Finnegans Wake Gaarden

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Bauerle, Ruth.  Picking Up Airs.  Urban and Chicago:  University of Illinois Press, 1993.

Begnal, Michael H. and Grace Eckley.  Narrator and Character in Finnegans Wake. Cranbury, N.J., 1975.

Benstock, Bernard.  Joyce-Again's Wake.  Seattle:  University of Washington Press, 1965.

Boldereff, Frances.  Reading Finnegans Wake.  Woodward, Pa.:  Classic Nonfiction Library,  1959.

Brewer, E. Cobham.  Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. rev. by Ivor H. Evans. New York:  Harper and Row, 1970.

Burrell, Harry.   "Chemistry and Physics in Finnegans Wake, Part II", in Joyce Studies Annual, 1997, vol. 8.  Austin:  University of Texas Press.  ed.  Thomas F. Staley (pp.185-206).

DiBernard, Barbara D.  Alchemy and Finnegans Wake.  Albany, NY:  SUNY Press, 1980.

Eckley, Grace.  Children's Lore in Finnegans Wake.  Syracuse:  Syracuse University Press, 1985.

Ellmann, Richard.  James Joyce.  New York:  Oxford University Press, 1959, rpt. 1977.

Fargnoli, A. Nicholas and Michael P. Gillespie. James Joyce A-Z.  New York:  Oxford                    University Press, 1995.

Garvin, John.  James Joyce's Disunited Kingdom and the Irish Dimension.  Dublin:  Gill and           Macmillan, 1976.

Glasheen, Adaline.  Third Census of Finnegans Wake.  Berkeley:  University of California Press, 1977.

Hart, Clive.  "Quinet" in Structure and Motif in Finnegans Wake.  Northwestern University,            1962 (pp. 182-200).

Jones, Julia and Barbara Deer.  The Country Diary of Garden Lore.  New York City:  Summit Books, 1990.

Joyce, James.  Finnegans Wake.  New York:  Viking Press, 1939, rpt. 1969, 1984.

----------.  Scribbledehobble:  The Ur-Workbook for Finnigans Wake. ed. Thomas E.Connolly. Northwestern University Press, 1961.

McCarthy, Patrick A.  The Riddles of Finnegans Wake.  Cranbury, N.J.:  Associated University Presses, 1980.

McHugh, Roland.  The Sigla of Finnegans Wake.  Austin:  University of Texas, 1976.

----------.  The Finnegans Wake Experience.  Berkeley:  University of California Press, 1981.

----------.  Annotations to Finnegans Wake.  Baltimore:  Johns Hopkins University Press,1980, rev. 1991.

O'Shea, Michael.  James Joyce and Heraldry.  Albany, NY:  Suny Press, 1988.

Restuccia, Francis.  Joyce and the Law of the Father.  New Haven:  Yale University Press,1989.

Senn, Fritz and Clive Hart.  A Wake Newslitter.  University of Essex, (Old and New Series). 

Tindall, William York.  A Reader's Guide To James Joyce.  New York:  Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1959, rpt. 1967.


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